Get the best value for your money by utilizing every inch of your self storage unit. Make a plan ahead of time to decide where you are going to put your items. Make a list and take pictures of items you are storing. Keep items you may need to access nearest the door. Heavy items should be stored first (to the back of the storage compartment).
Helpful tip: Keep an aisle in the middle to allow easy access to your belongings. It is also recommended to allow air space along the walls. Do not pack your items tight against the wall.
Furniture Space Saving Tips
Legs can usually be removed from tables to allow more room for packing around it. Tape the screws to the bottom of the table so they are easy to find when it is time to reassemble. Stack kitchen chairs seat to seat, cover them with plastic or sheets to prevent dust collection.
Position mattresses standing up, use a mattress bag or wrap in plastic if storing for a long period of time.
Clean all refrigerators and stoves thoroughly before storing them. When you are moving them, doors and drawers must be taped shut. When storing them, however, you must keep the doors open an inch or two to allow air flow. Avoid wasting any space by storing linens, small boxes or small items inside appliances, shelving units and dressers.
Avoid using bags for storage. Humidity can accumulate and cause mildew because the plastic cannot breathe. Pack everything in boxes to keep items clean and dust free. Label all boxes and stack so you can see them. You never know if you might have to look for something inside before it is time to unpack.
Stack similar sized boxes together. Be aware of the weight of each box. Books are very heavy so pack them in a small box. Lay them flat in the box so the spines will not be damaged. File boxes with handles work well. Heavy boxes should be placed on the bottom with lighter boxes on top. Be sure to fill each box to its capacity. You don’t want to waste any space. Boxes that are only half filled will crush when other boxes are stacked on top. This can cause toppling or possibly damaging the contents of the box.
Pictures and mirrors should be boxed or wrapped well. Never store your pictures flat.
Boxes of all sizes are available at most self storage facilities. Ask about specialty boxes for electronics, dishes and wardrobes. Don’t forget the tape, bubble wrap and newsprint. If you will need a moving truck, ask your company if they offer special rental discounts for storage customers.
Extra Storage in Chula Vista has over 1700 self storage units in Chula Vista, with a friendly and expert staff you can’t go wrong using Extra Storage for your Self Storage in Chula Vista. Contact Extra Storage at 1-619-427-2122 or email us today!
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